y approach to art is, I believe, a reflection of my ‘joie de vive’ about this phase of my life.  Despite pandemics and political/economic upheavals in the world, I find, in this stage of my life, that I am freer to express myself  than ever before and that painting is the perfect medium for my expression. My creations evolve, through an explosion of color, value and texture into new and exciting directions.  My imagination is free, through the medium of acrylic painting,  to discover new creatures, symbols and modes  of expression.  Over time, I  grow attached to my discovered figures, forms and textures and they become more than a vocabulary, they are part of my mental  ‘family’ of expression.


In my previous creative work, through design and construction of fine furniture and cabinetry, there were constraints of function (‘form follows function”) as well as the mechanics of both machinery and business operation, of marketing and personnel management.  I loved the three-dimensional art that occupied those 30 years, but finally, I was ready to return to two- dimensional projects and COLOR, as well as a less constrained medium of expression. I aspire to  create in a manner that allows the observer to develop her/his own interpretation of what they see on the canvas.  The paintings have my  unique perspective on form and  nature.  I hope that you, too, will find joy in my work.


I invite you to visit my new studio and gallery in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Contact me for an appointment. I would enjoy hearing from you with your questions and comments, 


Denise Grohs